My Natural Hair Journey (Why I Began In The First Place And How My Journey Has Been So Far)

Adebiyi Adewunmi
2 min readMay 1, 2022

Whenever someone comes here (on my blog), I want them to feel at home, what do you think I should call people that come here? I have no idea. I’ll come up with something I guess… In the meantime, you can give me ideas , they are very much appreciated.

Soooooo today, I’m talking about me.

My natural hair journey

I began keeping my hair (from scratch) the late months of the year 2020. I was on a low cut before that time.

I was certain I wanted to keep natural hair the moment I had my last hair cut.

Why? There was this deep curiosity I had about natural hair.

I had relaxed hair all my childhood days. Now, I wanted to see what it would be like to have natural hair.

My family members did not exactly buy this idea you see, they thought it was very difficult and expensive to maintain because of the naturalistas we saw around us.

You know they combed their hair when it was dry, they complained about how it got dry quickly and they were most times on african threading.

I knew there was and could be more to keeping natural hair.

I gave it a try and I started keeping it.

The first few months were indeed the toughest.

I remember just randomly rubbing aloe vera gel on my hair for no reason at all . I had read it was good so I just went to get an aloe vera plant, cut it open and put the gel on my head haha.

I didn’t know what moisturizing entailed.

Come on, I didn’t even know exactly what protective styling meant and how it helped the hair. People around told me that hairstyles with a lot of tension (and by a lot — I mean a lott) on the head would promote hair growth (haha imagine — you don’t also believe in that right?? — right?)

I went really casual with my hair the first few months and began to gain some knowledge as time passed (of course, I’m still learning- who isn’t?)

I wasn’t sleeping with any head cover, I would wake up with my hair so dry and would go several days without moisturizing.

My hair is about 2 years now and it is in a much better state.

Here Is A Picture Of My Hair (April 2022)

Don’t worry, I smile a lot in person (haha)

On this blog, I share my natural hair joy and struggles, all I have learnt and I’m learning about natural hair in a fun and relaxing manner.




Adebiyi Adewunmi

Freelance blog writer , writing and creating content for beauty brands, passionate about natural hair.